Thursday, August 11, 2011

Big Brother Twist

With the live show coming on in a few hours the excitement grows. Will Rachele go or will it be the newbie who put himself on the block. Now don't get me wrong I'm not a Rachele fan but if it helps Jeff and Jordan I'm all for it. I am hoping for a Dustin moment you know that idiot from season 8 the asked to be the pawn and then got voted out. It was great I will never forget the look on his face. I'm hoping for Cassie to come back tonight but will be o.k. if its Brendon if it helps Jeff and Jordan. Well almost done with Danilele's second week of h.o.h. sorry Kalias h.o.h. my bad. Well everyone check out cbs tonight to check out who it will be.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Big Brother P.O.V.

Now that Jeff has won the pov what will he do. Duh he will use it on him self and now Daniele i mean Kalia will have to make a choice that could make or break her in the house. Will she put Jeffs partner in the house (Jordan) or will she put one of the newbies up. She promised sometime back she would never put Jordan up but we all know how promises are kept in the Big Brother house. I have heard mentions of a pawn going up so that Rachele would go but then again we know how pawns sometimes turn out. See Dustin from season 8 about this one. She also has to think about the twist, eho will america vote to battle who gets evicted. I'm still hoping for Cassie coming back. I don't know about you but I don't want Dominic,Brendon or Keith back. So lets get back to the pov, who will she put up. WE will soon know. You can watch it on C.B.S. or catch Showtime 2 or watch the live feeds. Don't for get to check out jokers.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Will it be Kalia or Daniele running the hoh this week. spoiler alert

Well with Kalia winning hoh this week she will be making all the decisions this week or will she. By all accounts Daniele now has a second week of hoh with Kalia being her puppet and all blood on her hands. Now that Kalia has put up Jeff and Rachel which is what Daniele pushed her to telling her not to worry about the twist which only serves Daniele. Now dont get me wrong Daniele along with Jeff and Jordan are my favorites. I guess we will have to watch c.b.s. and or showtime uless you have the live feeds to see what will happen next. Me i'm on all the time. Big Brother is one of my favorite reality t.v. shows because of the live factor. I like the fact everything is going on right now not like Survivor which is taped  in advance. Although I am a fan of Survivor too. So now the question is who will america vote to go against the next evicted house guest to see who will be going back into the house, which could hurt Kalia. I wonder if the returning house guest will be able to compete in the next hoh competition. My money is on Cassi returning she has a better rating on I just hope its not Jeff going up against her since I would like Jeff and her in the house. I would be o.k. with Rachel going up against her in a competition with Cassi crushing her. I am hoping for Jordan winning the veto and one of the newbies going up. Ummmm what would Kalia do then. O.k. lets see how this unfolds.

Big Brother 13

Well what a week in the Big Brother house. Brendon leaves but has a chance to come back. Who do you think will be the chosen one. And who will they go against. Will Kalia try and split Jeff and Jordan up. I hope it will be Cassi that comes back. I guess we will have to watch C.B.S. to find out. Will this twist change how Kalia plays this week out? Will this be Dani's hoh with Kalia being the bad guy here? What do all of you think?