Friday, August 5, 2011

Big Brother 13

Well what a week in the Big Brother house. Brendon leaves but has a chance to come back. Who do you think will be the chosen one. And who will they go against. Will Kalia try and split Jeff and Jordan up. I hope it will be Cassi that comes back. I guess we will have to watch C.B.S. to find out. Will this twist change how Kalia plays this week out? Will this be Dani's hoh with Kalia being the bad guy here? What do all of you think?


  1. I think kahlia is going to put up rachel and porshe, she doesn't have the cohonies to go after jeff and jordan, they will get backdoored at some point in the game. Unless big brother doesn't rigg it to go another way!

  2. I would have to disagree, Kahlia wants to be seen as a player not a floater, she wants her claim to fame. I wouldn't be surprised if she goes after Rachel and Jeff, the two biggest threats competively in the house. Didn't say she is smart it would be a stupid move especially with the twist. If she goes that route goodbye Kahlia! Can't wait to get home and check out jokers
